A Canadian fictional animated female character in the style of Atomic Betty, with a pale complexion with freckles all over her skin, who is very smart, joyful, funny, strong-willed, tough, pleasant and very independent, with highly eccentric interests and is not afraid to speak her mind on any subject, long silky straight black hair with straight bangs, large light blue eyes, her nails are pink nail polish, pink sweater with a pink scarf around it, pink leggings, pink socks, pink tennis shoes and a pink headband for her hair, who appears in the 2004 Canadian animated television series.


A Canadian fictional animated female character in the style of Atomic Betty, with a pale complexion with freckles all over her skin, who is very smart, joyful, funny, strong-willed, tough, pleasant and very independent, with highly eccentric interests and is not afraid to speak her mind on any subject, long silky straight black hair with straight bangs, large light blue eyes, her nails are pink nail polish, pink sweater with a pink scarf around it, pink leggings, pink socks, pink tennis shoes and a pink headband for her hair, who appears in the 2004 Canadian animated television series.


Oct 01, 2024 09:45 PM


