IN REALISTIC DESIGN  SQUARE AND ONE SSTICKY NOTE - **Sticky Note Design**: A large, dark blue sticky note with lined paper texture.  - **Title**: At the top, include the title "Thoughts of a Teenager" in Comic Sans MS, white font with dark outlines.  - **Decorative Elements**: On either side of the title, add two small red hearts with dark outlines.  - **Content**: List the following items vertically, numbered, in a childlike doodle font:      1. Child me     2. Oh Joe, how do you always find JOY?     3. Wendy, Liam, Ray, Joe, and Dexter are just kids     4. Joe, put the Legos away    - **Additional Lines**: Continue the list with these items, also numbered, but in a normal font:      5. Run! He's on the hunt     6. I don't like my skin and guts, that you can trust     7. Whenever I see Cameron, I turn to mush     8. Welcome to hell, Joe, it's called high school     9. The teen years    - **Stickers**: Scatter teenage-themed stickers (hearts, smiley faces, emojis, roses, science potion bottles, mirrors, stars) randomly around the sticky note, all with dark outlines.


IN REALISTIC DESIGN SQUARE AND ONE SSTICKY NOTE - **Sticky Note Design**: A large, dark blue sticky note with lined paper texture. - **Title**: At the top, include the title "Thoughts of a Teenager" in Comic Sans MS, white font with dark outlines. - **Decorative Elements**: On either side of the title, add two small red hearts with dark outlines. - **Content**: List the following items vertically, numbered, in a childlike doodle font: 1. Child me 2. Oh Joe, how do you always find JOY? 3. Wendy, Liam, Ray, Joe, and Dexter are just kids 4. Joe, put the Legos away - **Additional Lines**: Continue the list with these items, also numbered, but in a normal font: 5. Run! He's on the hunt 6. I don't like my skin and guts, that you can trust 7. Whenever I see Cameron, I turn to mush 8. Welcome to hell, Joe, it's called high school 9. The teen years - **Stickers**: Scatter teenage-themed stickers (hearts, smiley faces, emojis, roses, science potion bottles, mirrors, stars) randomly around the sticky note, all with dark outlines.


Aug 08, 2024 09:21 AM


