"Create a breathtaking, film-like image of a woman made entirely of flames standing on a beach. The woman of fire is the central point of the image, her whole body being composed of bright and dancing flames. The beach around her is bathed in warm light emanating from her fiery body, with palm trees gently swaying in the background. The waves of the ocean come crashing on the shore, adding a touch of movement and life to this static scene. The woman of fire herself is a vision of beauty and power, with flames dancing around her as if they were alive. Her eyes shine with intense light, and her expression is both captivating and mysterious. The image must be created in a cinematic style, with special attention to lighting and composition to create a dramatic and captivating atmosphere. The scene must be realistic, as if it had been captured during a real photo shoot, while maintaining a magical and fantastic quality. Please create this image in a high resolution, paying attention to the finest details, to bring to life this spectacular vision of a woman made of flames."


"Create a breathtaking, film-like image of a woman made entirely of flames standing on a beach. The woman of fire is the central point of the image, her whole body being composed of bright and dancing flames. The beach around her is bathed in warm light emanating from her fiery body, with palm trees gently swaying in the background. The waves of the ocean come crashing on the shore, adding a touch of movement and life to this static scene. The woman of fire herself is a vision of beauty and power, with flames dancing around her as if they were alive. Her eyes shine with intense light, and her expression is both captivating and mysterious. The image must be created in a cinematic style, with special attention to lighting and composition to create a dramatic and captivating atmosphere. The scene must be realistic, as if it had been captured during a real photo shoot, while maintaining a magical and fantastic quality. Please create this image in a high resolution, paying attention to the finest details, to bring to life this spectacular vision of a woman made of flames."


Jul 01, 2024 12:55 PM


