- Ha! such sons! - said Mr. Andrzej smiling - are you greeting me from a blunderbuss?  Here the old man jumped up and started shouting:  - Come here everyone! Stay tuned!  Several more people appeared from the bushes, among them the old man's second son and the tar maker; everyone ran at breakneck speed with their weapons ready, for they did not know what had happened, but the old man shouted again:  - On your knees, scoundrels! at knee! it's Mr. Kmicic! Which guy shot there? Give it to me yourself!


- Ha! such sons! - said Mr. Andrzej smiling - are you greeting me from a blunderbuss? Here the old man jumped up and started shouting: - Come here everyone! Stay tuned! Several more people appeared from the bushes, among them the old man's second son and the tar maker; everyone ran at breakneck speed with their weapons ready, for they did not know what had happened, but the old man shouted again: - On your knees, scoundrels! at knee! it's Mr. Kmicic! Which guy shot there? Give it to me yourself!


Jun 25, 2024 10:06 AM


